Chris Shewchuk

Massage Therapy

Registered Massage Therapy

$123/hr, tax included.

Direct billing available.

Inclusive rates available.

I'm Chris

Pleased to meet you!

I’m trained and experienced in craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, both deep and subtle tissue work, Swedish techniques, trigger point therapy, and a unique self-developed blend of rocking, shaking, and pulsing techniques.

My designation as an RMT was earned by completing 3000 hours of training in Nelson, and by passing rigorous provincial licensing exams. My work as an RMT is supported by a foundation of knowledge shared by all massage therapists in British Columbia. My commitment to you as a person seeking massage extends beyond the basic requirements of my profession with a desire and capacity to honour your needs with empathy and non-judgment.

I was drawn to the Kootenays over a decade ago and connected deeply with the cedar, the granite, the magnificent waters and beckoning landscapes. The people here have helped me to better understand and respect all beings, the importance of honouring the wisdom of our bodies, and to receive the gifts of the natural world.

I love being in the sun and the water. I love when it rains deeply, and mist hugs the mountains. I love adventures, and I love nesting into community and the sanctity of home. I love expressing and exploring through physical movement in this great, wonderful world.

My approach

Wholistic Meets Practical

I offer a blend of traditional and custom massage techniques to soothe and assist you on the path toward better health.

Tried and proven massage techniques — Swedish, myofascial, trigger point therapy, joint mobilizations, deep muscle stripping, craniosacral therapy, and more — are skilfully fused with a signature technique of rocking, shaking, tractioning and pulsing to impact multiple systems in your body simultaneously.

I have a keen interest in helping clients navigate the complex interplay of their emotional and physical bodies, as both influence each other significantly.

My Massage Room

A haven for every body

My home-based massage practice is built on a deeply rooted desire to share sanctuary with community and visitors.

My partner Jasmine and I have worked together to create Sanctuary Nelson — a safe space to receive, express, and move through life’s challenges. The four walls of our treatment room are built deeply into the Earth, and have held every emotion imaginable with strength and ease.

Sanctuary Nelson is more than a quiet refuge. We are passionate about sharing tools that have helped us to find peace and cultivate deep wellness within our lives. If you’d like to explore what is possible beyond massage therapy, you can learn more at


What are the benefits of massage therapy?

Massage can go a long way in reducing stress, regulating mood disorders, decreasing chronic pain, promoting increased physical vitality, and speeding the recovery process associated with injuries and surgeries.

My Massage Room


I am privileged to live, work, and play on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded land of the Sinixt people. I pledge myself to respect and learn good relationship with the Sinixt təmxʷulaʔxʷ (homeland), the Sinixt Nation, all peoples, and the animals, fish, birds, insects and plants that grow and live here. 

I will tend to the land, waters, and communities of my home in a good way, and will continually listen and learn to be in better relationship. I understand that this land has been traditionally held and tended by women, and will listen to and respect all women.

I am sorry for the hurt that my ancestors and I have caused through ignorance, hate, and fear. Cultural genocide has been forced upon many cultures and people worldwide for thousands of years in hatred, fear, and ignorance. It continues to this day in ways both obvious and subtle.

My desire is to forge a path forward based upon mutual respect, compassion, and cooperation.

I am deeply grateful to be here, and I invite you to learn more about your relationship to this place by visiting the websites below.


1022½ Carbonate St

Nelson, BC