About My Work

Wholistic Meets Practical

I offer a uniquely crafted blend of traditional and custom massage techniques to soothe and assist you on the path toward better health. 

I believe that no person, thing, or experience exists in isolation. Each of us is a complex being, more than the sum of our parts, living within a vast web of relationships.

My treatment space is a sanctuary — peaceful, set deeply into the earth, adorned with plant-life, steeped with the scents of palo santo, sage, cedar, and sweetgrass, and infused with an immersive sonic experience unlike any other in Nelson.

What does this mean for you when you see me for a massage?

Your online intake form will be comprehensive, covering many aspects of health and well-being, including relationships, stress, and emotional wellness. You always have the option to provide as much or as little information as you’d like.

At your first appointment, we’ll spend some time (anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes) speaking together to identify ares of concern and create a treatment plan. If you come back for subsequent appointments, we won’t need to spend as much time speaking before your massage, as the groundwork will already be laid. You’re welcome to bring your own music or make requests if you don’t like what you’re hearing. You can also request silence.

During your massage, you’ll receive tried and proven massage techniques, including Swedish massage, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, joint mobilizations, deep muscle stripping (when appropriate), and more. You’re welcome to ask questions, request changes, and stop the treatment at any point, for any reason.

In addition to traditional techniques, I’ll also weave methods that I’ve discovered to be helpful for many people through my own personal development as a massage therapist. These techniques are extremely effective at soothing the nervous system, reducing muscle tension, and releasing trauma held in the fascia and bodymind. Blending craniosacral osteopathy, yoga, breathwork and a methodical combination of rocking, shaking, tractioning and pulsing into traditional techniques, you’ll have the opportunity to experience something uniquely soothing.

You’re invited during your treatment to vocalize cathartically and/or move while on the table to help release tension. This can look like silence, growling, sighing, toning, shaking, stretching, wiggling, asking questions, making requests, or sharing your internal experience. I always follow your cues, and won’t try to initiate conversation once we’re into the flow of the massage, aside from the occasional check-in to make sure you’re enjoying yourself.

At the end of treatment, I’ll give you space to land, and if appropriate we can discuss ideas for self-care before you move back out into the world.

After treatment, you’re always welcome to reach out to me if you have questions, concerns, or feedback. My desire is to always improve my offering, and to tailor it to you as an individual.


1022½ Carbonate St

Nelson, BC